Sunday, May 16, 2010

Indoor Garden Part 2

Welcome back! So it's been a week since my last gardening post.  And 2 weeks since my little seedlings have been planted.  It's amazing what a difference a week makes!!!!

Since I'm living in an apartment in Sweden, I have decided to divide up this years crop between the kitchen window (north facing), and the living room window (south facing).  The living room window gets probably the most and strongest sun but only really in the afternoons/evenings (don't forget land of the midnight sun).  The kitchen gets easier morning sun.  We don't have a massive amount of room on the sills in each window, so it's hard to decide which plants get the sunnier side and which ones get the more moderate sun.  So here's how it stands. 

Kitchen = Radishes, Chili Peppers, Basil started plant, Parsley started plant, Parley seeds, Dill seeds, and Chives seeds.
Living Room = Rosemary started plant, 2 x Green Bean seeds, Sugarsnap Pea seed, and seed starter box

Now onto this weeks progress report and pictures! :) 

We decided to move the beans and peas seedlings from the starter box to proper pots, as those bad boys were growing super fast!  So now we have two pots dedicated to green beans, and 1 pot for sugarsnap peas.  One of the bean pots is the seeds that were planted right away into the seed starter box, and the other pot is the seeds I pre-soaked.

Closest Pot = Pre-soaked (only one seed seems to be growing)
Farther Pot = Seed starter box (they are flourishing)

Above:  Sugar Snap Peas

My radishes seem to be doing alright.  I'm fairly positive I planted them too close together.  Big fail for being lazy!  lmao.  But I'm still hoping to see one or two little red gems.  :)  

The chili pepper plant is doing alright, but nothing seems to be ripening.  Am I doing something wrong?  We bought it with chili fruit already on it, and more babies growing.  I read online somewhere that you should take  a q-tip or your finger and rub the open flowers every day between 2-3 pm (when polenation is at it's most optimal) to self-polinate plants like this that are grown indoors.  So that's what I've been doing most days.  I'll admit, a few days I got lazy and figured eh, who cares if the flowers aren't getting any.  I'm not sure how long it takes for the green peppers to turn red.  But my understanding is Apache Chili peppers should be red (for optimal strength).  I'll give it another week before I start scratching my head.

Above Image:  Closest is radish pot, with pepper plant behind.

Next up...herb tray!  In the kitchen, we have an herb tray where we directly planted some seeds (I didn't include pictures last week as it was just a pile of dirt).  Over this last week all the seeds planted have started sprouting!  We planted parsley, chives and dill.  I have another pot on the tray that will hold some green onions if I can ever get them to grow!

Parsley (Persilja), Chives (Gräslök), Dill

As for my seed starter box.  Well Basil and Chives are doing alright.  I think the chives are growing better inside the herb tray rather then the seed starter box.  And my green onions...well they are proving to be the most difficult little runts!  In all fairness, I did buy the seeds last spring, and tried to plant them on the balcony box last year and when they finally started to grow like 4 months later they were all funky shaped.  Maybe I got the reject seeds or something.  But it seems that out of the 4 seeds planted, only 1 wants to grow.  I'm debating on how much more I should let the Basil grow before taking them out and putting them into pots.  Hmmm.  Any suggestions?  
Left to Right: Basil, Chives, Green Onions

So, long story short!  Mostly everything is growing wonderfully.  Having a few hiccups, but not too bad.  I'm on the verge of giving up on green onions.  But at the end of the day I'm just glad nothing is dead yet!  Woohoo!!  So far already a vast improvement on last year! :)

There's this weekends update on my attempt at indoor gardening! 

Happy Blogging All!


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